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Emerging Technologies...

What do artificial intelligence, quantum computing, block chain technology and big data have in common?

They ALL rely on an underlying foundation of sound, accurate and accessible data

The Primary Requirement For Successful Resources Projects

There is one thing on which all of the very competent exploration and mining analysis, evaluation and management applications rely on. It’s the same thing that the new emerging technologies from artificial intelligence and big data to block-chain and quantum computing rely on for successful outcomes

An underlying foundation of sound, complete, accurate, secure and accessible technical data

GDD’s Data Philosophy

Whether you’re a Vulcanologist, a Data-Miner, a Surface Packer, develop Very Small Mines or you just like to Leap Frogs, you need to assemble and manage your technical data competently

Managing this master data in a logically organised, independent and auditable data management environment allows more rapid and accurate analysis, interpretation and decision making, enhancing both the outcomes, their confidence, and reducing project risk

In a nutshell, GDD’s philosophies include the need to –

·      Accept the critical need for competent master technical data for all projects

·      Understand what constitutes this master technical data; it’s far more than letters and numbers these days….

·      Fully appreciate the true value of this technical data collection

·      Intentionally plan and proactively manage how you technical data acquired, stored and protected

·      Create and ‘encourage’ clear data management standards and procedures, and data governance guidelines

·      Train your own people in these areas to retain full control of this critical project asset

So How GDD Can Help …?

GDD Services

GDD can help you- Understand the value and importance of your master technical data resource

·      Analyse, distil, identify, assemble, organise, integrate and secure this data

·      Migrate your master data into a robust database environment, and link your secondary and supporting files to this data

·      And make it readily accessible! – ALL of it.

GDD’s Services include –

·      Data Management – All aspects of exploration and mining life-cycle data design, implementation, analysis and management

·      Data Hosting – Hosting, organisation and management of project data

·      Geological Consulting – Exploration and mining consulting, resource and reserve estimation, independent reviews and audits across the full mining life-cycle

·      Training – GDD provide training in all aspects of the services noted above to increase your internal skill levels and self-reliance

GDD Data Solutions

GDD also provide data management applications including –

gPick Resources Database Applications

·      gPick database systems to enable you to organise, manage and deliver your master technical data where its required

geoUte - Data Management Utilities

·      geoUte Utilities to catalogue, identify, validate and assemble your data to get it into your database in the first place

gNeric – Generic Database Function Capabilities

·      gNeric functions and capabilities that can be incorporated into custom database applications providing broad and powerful functionality in short order

Our Experience

So what gives us the right to claim this?

Very simply, 30+ years building around 100 database systems for more than 60 clients in multiple commodities around the world

Underpinned by the many geological and mining data analysis, resource and reserve estimation, reconciliation and management projects we have undertaken along the way


A listing of some of our projects can be found HERE



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