Who Are GDD? 
GDD provide services to the geological and mining sectors in the areas of master technical data management, exploration and mining consulting, and training.
With an abundance of experience in the technical aspects of the industry, GDD specialize in the collection, management and analysis of mining and geological data.
We utilise the best current technologies to help our clients gain a competitive edge, and reduce project risk using their master data to its full potential.
GDD also offer support, development services and training in a range of geological, mining and database skills.
Our Vision
GDD aim simply to help our clients effectively collect, manage and analyse their master technical data resource.
We strongly believe in the critical importance and value of sound technical data that underpins every aspect of your projects, and the management of that data through the whole of the mining life cycle.
Our Skills
GDD have significant formal qualifications and experience in both the database / IT areas, and the geology and mining disciplines. We have the necessary qualifications and experience to ensure your data meets the requirements of the JORC Code and other industry and statutory standards.
We have the skills, experience and specialist data management tools to analyse and digest datasets of any magnitude. And to integrate and migrate the master technical data into a suitable database system.
Qualifications - GDD staff carry qualifications in both data science and geology; we understand bits, bytes, boulders and boudinage structures
Professional Associations – GDD personnel hold current and past membership and committee roles in the Geological Society of Australia and IT / database user groups
Industries and Commodities
GDD have significant experience in the following commodities –
· Gold and precious metals
· Base metals
· Coal
· Iron ore
· Phosphate
· Timber
· Avocadoes
· Beer…
While the majority of GDD’s work has been confined to the mineral resource sector, significant work has also been performed in other resources and non-resource sectors including –
· Agriculture
· Timber
· Quarry Resources
· Power Transmission
· Road Construction
· Beer Construction
· Financial and Investment Services
GDD’s Technical Data Management Philosophy
With many years of experience in many environments and countries, GDD has developed and evolved our own data management philosophy. This consists of a combination of some basic high-level philosophies, underpinned by our very specific technical data management standards and procedures.
In essence these revolve around defining what master technical data consists of, understanding its true importance and value to resource projects, and treating it accordingly.
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Our Experience
Since 1984 GDD have worked on a wide variety of geological, mining and technical data management projects.
From resource and reserve estimation on iron ore, base and precious metals, coal and phosphate to the implementation of close to 100 database systems for some 65 organisations, GDD’s experience spans the entire mining life-cycle
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Community Service
GDD currently host the GSA ‘Roxette’ Project, a community service rock and mineral specimen set initiative, providing kits for high-schools and other learning institutions
GDD have also donated both time and resources to organisations such as Queensland Guides, Scouts Australia and the Anglican Church.
Other projects include the creation of systems and websites for various community groups including aged care facilities and neighbourhood watch.
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