Training Services
Training and Mentoring
GDD have been providing on-site technical training in exploration, evaluation, mining and data management for over 30 years.
The training can be provided as formal or informal training sessions or as individual mentoring
Please give us a call to discuss your specific training needs.
Practical "Hands On" Courses
Our aim is to provide practical, application oriented courses, to assist your operation to gain maximum benefit from the investment you make both in the data you collect, and the computing tools you use.
Training can be provided either on site or in our offices in Brisbane
On-Site Training
On-site training can be provided based on operational aspects and data from your operation, and an be fitted around operational requirements and work schedules
Off-Site Training -
Off-site training enables course-work to be completed in a continuous and focussed manner, and can provide an opportunity for interaction with peers from other organisations
Technical Data Management Skills
Your technical database is your only connection to your primary asset. A failure to maintain an accurate and auditable database on which your mineral resource and ore reserves estimates are based, can lead to significant delays to your projects.
GDD provide training in all aspects data collection, validation and integrity checking protocols and procedures, we can check your existing systems and advise where work is required to achieve compliance with the relevant resources and reserves reporting standards.
As well, GDD offer a range of SQL training courses to enable you to manage and extract value from the data you have, to get the answers you need.
A primary GDD goal is to help your people become self-reliant in all aspects of data management
Data File System Management
· Standards and procedures for creating, organising and managing mater technical data file systems
Data ‘Distillation’
· Cataloguing, identifying, extracting, assembling and integrating data from those ‘file collections from hell’
· Training in a variety of ‘raw’ data analysis and assembly tools (geoUte) which help bash data into shape, as dictated by your data management standards and procedures…..
Systems And Database Administration
· The skills required to effectively manage and maintain, protect and optimise your key technical data assets
We won’t teach you on training databases that have ‘Employees and Managers and Orders and Line Items’....
We teach you on a database that has rocks, drill holes, blast holes, assays, and surveys; data that’s relevant and meaningful to your tasks.
Database Management Systems
Database management systems such as SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle and Ingres have been around a long time.
These ‘DBMS’ systems are the engines underneath the various database management system applications such as acQuire, DataShed, GeoBank and now gPick
GDD offer a range of training courses in the database management systems, in particular SQL Server and MS Access, enabling you to understand and better use these tools
We also offer training in database management system applications to help maximise the return on investment in these capable applications.
Database Management Systems
· The practical concepts behind database management systems and their application and use
Data Querying and Manipulation
· SQL and other tools and skills available to query, manipulate, extract and report from the database systems including SQL Server and MS Access
Database Management Standards and Procedures
· Establishing and managing the standards and procedures (best practices) for your database environment to significantly reduce data management risk and the associated heartache that can ensue….
Database Administration
· The skills required to effectively manage and maintain, protect and optimise your key technical data assets
Database Management Applications
· Training in the competent use of specific database application systems such as gPick. (A shameless plug!)
Geological, Evaluation and Mining Skills and Practices
GDD’s staff hold relevant qualifications and experience as outlined under the JORC and other standards, and perform resource and reserve estimation, reviews and due diligence audits on gold, iron ore, coal and base metals deposits.
This background allows us to provide training in –
· Sampling and sample management in exploration and mining
· Designing and managing drilling programs
· Statistical and geostatistical analysis
· Mineral resource estimation
· Ore reserve estimation
· JORC and other reporting standards
Geological, Evaluation and Mining Systems
Over the years GDD have worked consistently with many of the main-stream exploration and mining applications.
We offer courses in a variety of –
· GIS systems
· CAD and graphics systems
· Mining systems
· Statistics and geostatistics systems