

What is the The JORC code?

The JORC Code is a professional code of practice that puts in place minimum standards for public reporting of minerals exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves. It is a mandatory system for public reporting such as:

  • annual and quarterly company reports
  • press releases
  • information memoranda
  • technical papers
  • website postings
  • public presentations of exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves estimates.

 The JORC 2012 Code is now in place! For more information on The JORC Code 2012, visit

How can we help you?

We have the necessary qualifications to:

  • Audit data and databases to ensure they are JORC compliant
  • sign off on public reporting materials such as exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves
  • train staff about JORC and how to uphold the standards of The 2012 Code.

What happens if you report something that is non-compliant?

Any alleged non-compliance by a company making a Public Report can be directed to the relevant securities exchange and/or securities regulator in the jurisdiction the Public Report is issued. This can lead to the retraction of AusIMM or AIG membership for involved parties.


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