The Rock and Mineral Sets project is a community-service initiative by the Queensland branch of the Geological Society of Australia to provide integrated teaching sets of rock and minerals to educational institutions.
For current project news and events, click here...
The sets are designed to directly address the current curriculum for earth and environmental science students in years 11 and 12, but have been sought by both secondary and primary schools and tertiary institutions. Recently we have even developed a special set for pre-school groups.
The sets currently consist of three rock sets –
- Igneous
- Sedimentary
- Metamorphic
three mineral sets -
- Rock-Forming Minerals
- Economic Minerals
- Moh’s Scale of Hardness
and three economic suites –
- Coal
- Iron Ore
- Base Metals
As the project is heavily subsidized, the sets are available only to schools and institutions for education class use, and are not available to the public generally.
The specimen sets were displayed publicaly for the first time at the 2018 Science Week event at Southbank, receiving a great deal of attention, and a number of subsequent orders.
To date (Sept 2021) over 900 sets have been assembled and delivered.
How You Can Help!
For further information on the project, and how you can assist, please contact Tony Shellshear (tony@gdd.net.au) or (0408) 152-256
Rock and Mineral Specimen Sources
Almost all of the specimen materials for the sets have been donated by individuals, corporate organisations and the Queensland government Department of Resources.
More information on the project sponsors can be found HERE
The project has been made possible by the generous donations of time by a growing band of volunteers who prepare the samples, assemble and photograph the box sets and create and apply the labeling
For more on our dedicated volunteers, click HERE
Specimen Set Assembly
Preparation of materials and assembly of the sets is undertaken entirely by volunteers, using equipment provided and maintained by GDD.
For the full story on how this is achieved, look HERE
GDD's Contribution
GDD have remained the principal sponsor of the project since its inception in 2018, providing a home for the project and its materials, but also the equipment for the handling and preparation of the set samples.
Discover more about GDD’s contribution HERE
Project History
During 2016 the GSA Queensland Division (GSAQ) received several inquiries regarding the availability of rock and mineral sets for high schools. Indications from schools canvassed were that while individual specimens were available from a variety of sources, there were a lack of sets containing an integrated collection of the various basic rock types, and similarly for minerals.
The content of the sets has been derived in conjunction with Ross Wilson from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, and is based on the Earth and Environmental Science curriculum rolled out in 2019.
Initially six sets were proposed; three covering the primary rock type classes, and three for minerals, covering the rock-forming, economic and Moh’s set of hardness minerals.
Three additional Economic Suite’ sets have been added, providing ore and host rock samples for iron ore, base metals and coal, thanks to generous industry donations.
Materials for an additional set suggested by Warwick’s booklets is a collection of the rocks of the Brisbane area; this set is currently being developed.
The GSAQ committee established the project as a community service initiative, in which the prices charged would reflect the direct outlays by the GSAQ covering the boxes, printing and labeling consumables. All specimen materials, materials handling and preparation equipment, preparation and assembly time have to date been met by generous donations to the project.
How You Can Help!
For further information on the project, and how you can assist, please contact Tony Shellshear (tony@gdd.net.au) or (0408) 152-256
Tony ShellshearPrincipal – Geological Data DesignGSAQ Committee MemberChief Cook and Bottle Washer – The Roxette Projecttony@gdd.net.au